Hi, my name is Alejandro Ucan-Puc…
I have a mathematics Ph.D. from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México under the supervision of Dr. Jose Seade and Dr. Angel Cano, with a thesis on complex Klenian group theory.
My field of research correspond to dynamical systems, geometry and topology, with particular interests on actions of discrete groups, Kleinian group theory, (complex) projective geometry, and geometric group theory.
Currently I’m a full-time professor at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey (NL, Mexico), previously I was a postdoc position by CONACyT (Mex) at the Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche under the supervision of Prof. Elisha Falbel.
My current project is related to the study of complex projective structures on special manifolds, like links' complements or Deligne-Mostow lattices quotients and MCG in collaboration with Irene Pasquinelli and Elisha Falbel.
I’ve been working on projects where we use Topological Data Analysis in divers dataset to understand their geometry and topology, and provide insights.
Other of my interest are: programming, writing (with the blog i.rracionalx) and photography. :mx: